Thursday, 22 October 2009

Zoe: Taxi!

Sonny left the hospital today for the first time since he arrived back on 8th September. Although exciting as it was to leave GOSH it wasn't really the family day out you'd normally look forward to as we had to go down the road to UCH for something called a PET scan in a rather alarmingly titled place called Nuclear Medicine. The journey was made more enjoyable though as the pre-arranged patient transport didn't arrive so we had to hail a black cab (quite a treat in these credit crunch times). Sonny was then bravely injected with a mixture of glucose and something from The Matrix and then had to remain absolutely still for an hour while this potion travelled round his body. He then had to lie still for another hour while they did the scans - it sounds easy but try it and see how long it is before you want to scratch your nose or twitch your foot. Sadly, no glamour on the way back either as the proper transport arrived to take us back again but Sonny did enjoy being towed up the ramp in his wheelchair.

We hope to get the results of the PET scan back tomorrow. This will enable the team here to stage his disease and decide on his treatment. It's all more than a little complicated as he has already had quite a lot of the chemotherapy they would normally give for this disease already but once they have worked out all the clever stuff he should be able to begin the correct treatment when his blood counts are back to normal early next week.

1 comment:

  1. hi sonny hope I can see you tomrow cant wait to see you again oh and dont worry i'll bring in all the homework youve missed haha!

    get well soon
    gabriel :]
