Monday, 12 October 2009

Sonny: Comment comment

We love reading your comments. Its great to know you are thinking of us and we love reading out your witty little remarks and questions to Sonny. Sonny has dictated the next bit...

Hi Louis - Yes my drip stand makes loads and loads of noise and I find it hard to sleep at night. I did get your music mix and thought it was very funky. If you are looking for a game I would recommend Heros Over Europe. Your mum may want to check it out first but if she says its alright I'd get it if you can. I don't know what I want for my birthday, I haven't given it much thought so now you've got me thinking. My Dad has bought me a PS3 and the games I've got are Fifa10, Heros Over Europe and another game called Infamous.

Hi Jamie - I am quite bored because I have to stay in the same room all day and I'm not allowed to meet the other kids on the ward as they have put something on my door which means that people are not allowed to come in unless they wear an apron and gloves. I've got a long list of things I want to do when I get home but I don't feel like talking about them yet.

Hi Jamie - Zoe here! He could have met Gary Barlow... he was outside our room handing out a Pride of Britain Award to one of the boys who used to be a patient here. Sonny refused to indulge me I'm afraid so I had to remain in our room looking cool and aloof. He didn't care that he was in the most famous boy band ever and would have preferred Chris Moyles having only ever heard of Gary Barlow in the context of Comic Relief and getting lots of celebrities to climb a large mountain. I've also seen Dr Who in the hospital foyer wearing a very, very long scarf and this year's winner of the Apprentice was in the canteen the other day flogging a rather intrusive information/telly screen type of thing.


  1. If there was a chance of meeting Gary Barlow i would have kicked over Sonny's drip to get to him. I'm disappointed in you Zoe....

  2. Hi Zoe , just heard your news. We thought Sonny wasn't himself when he didn't want to swim or play headers with Hamish in the sea in Italy this summer. Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you all. Your blog is great. Hey Sonny - Shame Cesc or Theo weren't visiting instead of Gary!!
    Take care of yourselves
    Kate Simon and Hamish Miller
