Sunday, 4 October 2009

Zoe: Guilty Pleasures

Under normal circumstances today would have real treat... Japanese Grand Prix live at 5am followed by a long snooze, my husband bringing up fresh coffee and the Sunday papers and all settling down to an afternoon with Sky Sports for Super Sunday. Perfect result with Arsenal cooly sitting comfortably back in the top four with a game in hand - if only Sonny could shake off this temperature we'd be laughing.


  1. you forgot to mention the Superbikes Zoe. Add it to your Sunday viewing so when Sonny's better he can come to the racing with Gav, Uncle Paul, me and Stanley. We'll get him in with some real crazy bike racers ! Stay strong, we're all thinking of you.
    all the best, Rob

  2. hope whatever happened today went well xx tell sonny louis has invited him to his laser quest birthday party but understands if he can't do it till after Xmas - stoic as ever Louis is prepared to re-live the laser quest experience all over again just for sonny. bless xx

    Dimbylows xx
