Tuesday 5 January 2010

Zoe: Cool 4 Skool

Sonny went back to school today folks. To be able to go back at the start of a term when new things are kicking off is brilliant and it has given him a real boost. Avid readers will know that things have been good for some time now. He has lots more energy, the sickness is under control and he is getting about with much more confidence and agility (all good stuff). As before, we are taking it one day at a time but our plan is for him to try and get in every morning and then to come home for lunch, physio and a game of FIFA '10 before picking up Ruby.

In the meantime the news is full of snow chaos. Personally, we've had our fill of duvet days at Anderson Towers so if school is closed it will be a real anti-climax. No fluffy stuff so far...

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