Monday, 25 January 2010

Zoe: Blood Pressure

Well, its the start of a new week. With any luck (some would be nice) by Friday we should have the full results of Sonny's biopsy and have started his new treatment protocol.
I don't want to keep harping back to the injustice of last week as we have such a mountain still left to climb but I was pleased when Sonny's consultant let me know that he'd had to make a formal complaint.
Moving forward - Gav, Ruby and I had our blood tested for compatibility this evening. The results will take about 3 weeks. We are the only family members they'll test for a match and if we don't match up he'll be matched to registered donors. Really wish I'd worked a little harder on my argument to add to our perfect brood.


  1. Mental Note to Self - Must become registered blood donor!

  2. Registered, it's easy!

  3. just wanted to send you ' a hugely better week' . They say intention has power... so all mine is behind this.. I am staying away from you all as i seem to have developed one cold after another... love to you all xx nat
