Saturday 5 June 2010

Zoe: Friends (BMT +3)

You know who you are and you have all been amazing. Its been a hideous week and your calls and texts of support have been a huge comfort, thank you.

The picture is from the mind-blowingly kind Verdecchia family in Italy. They commissioned an artist friend of theirs to come up with a positive image of a boy getting better every day playing football for Arsenal who has a passion for life. Check out the date in the bottom corner. All your kindness to all of us really blows us away.

Sonny has been feeling pretty rotten today. They tried taking him off the Lorazepam to make him feel less like he'd eaten a stack of space cakes from a crap party but the sickness wouldn't stay away so he's back to his student ways. Not that he's got anything to throw up. He's not been allowed to eat anything for the last week and probably won't be allowed to eat until +21. This is to try and prevent graft versus host disease (GVHD) in his gut. More about this little beauty later. I'm going to go back to watching him sleep.

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