Saturday, 5 December 2009

Gavin: Welcome home

Today Sonny went to his first game this season at the Arsenal courtesy of our good friend Jason who's a senior figure at Tesco. He organised for us to go into their box which is the only way Sonny could possibly go with a neutrophil reading of err, nothing. Jason led an advance party to make sure no one had any sniffles and, once we had the all clear Sonny walked ("I really don't want to be wheeled into The Arsenal, Dad") all the way there to take his seat right above the goal.
Everyone in the box was lovely. They made him very comfortable without mothering him and bowed to his greater knowledge of football as rugby was their first love. They didn't make a fuss when Sonny took his pills and I took his temperature (6 times). In fact, the hardest part for Sonny was the food. Sausages, chicken wings and spare ribs are perfect for any kid, but he couldn't eat any of it because of his blood results. I'm not sure the packet of crisps and banana I'd bought quite compensated but, Sonny being Sonny he understood and didn't complain once, happy in the knowledge that he was back in his church.
We won 2-0 but to be honest it didn't really matter because he had a brilliant day. We could keep him at home, wrap him in a blanket and make him wear a mask, but it's not really living is it?
A huge thankyou to Jason, Tesco and all those that were in the box. Every little helps indeed...

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