Monday 13 December 2010

Gavin: Life begins at...

It was Zoe's birthday this weekend. I'm not really meant to mention it but I'll face the consequences. Sonny picked up a cold on Friday so we were on tenterhooks waiting to see if it would go anywhere while Zo put her lippy on. Thankfully, we avoided party hats in the Shittingdon and had a lovely night drinking cocktails and eating lovely food. Thanks to all those who made it special... you know who you are.
Sonny's cold also seems to be getting better. A teetering temperature had us on the orange squash last night just in case, but he's woken up brightly with a 36.4ยบ (good, in case you were wondering) and is off to the pictures again to watch Narnia. Although I'm not allowed to call it the 'pictures' apparently as that's not down enough with the kids. I'm making them call me 'Daddio' as a punishment.

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