Monday, 6 September 2010

Gavin: Don't panic, but the cat hasn't come home (BMT+97)

I can't believe this. Just when we seemed to be calming down with the intensity of worry that our situation has demanded over the last year, now the cat (Odd) hasn't come home since Friday. I kind of thought we'd got a couple of free passes on things like this for a while. I mean what next? I tried to have a chat about it with our guardian angel but she'd managed to burn her wings on her crack pipe and was a bit preoccupied.


  1. Hi Zoe/Gav
    I'm sure you've checked with neighbours but cats are really good at getting themselves locked into sheds etc and a few posters down your street would be a good idea. Also a call to local vets. I'm sure you've done all this but just incase. I'm sure it will be some old lady up the road supplying better food!! Hope he turns up soon xxx

  2. Ha! The Guardian Angel comment made me laugh - and I see since then cat is back! Nice one. xxx
