Monday 21 December 2009

Zoe: Christmas cheer

Back at GOSH today and after a nail biting weekend we were finally given the news we had been hoping for... Sonny's PET scan showed a good response to the chemotherapy so hurrah, hurrah, hurrah. For those of you interested in all things technical and to give you an insight into the complex new language we are learning the large anterior mediastinal mass now measures 3.4x4.6x5.7cm compared to 5.4x5.3x7.0cm (big lumps have got smaller). All the other tumors show equally impressive reductions too and there are no new ones which to be truthful was our main fear after last time. He will need radiotherapy but we are resigned to crossing that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime its working, he's coping well with the chemo and he should be home for Christmas. I'll drink to that... one lump or two (sorry).


  1. Fantastic news for you all, hoping to come and see you all tomorrow sometime?? I'll text you in the morning to see whats good for you all.
    Rach xxxx

  2. Happy happy news!!! So pleased!! Well done Sonny! xx

  3. So pleased to hear your good news, brilliant that the concoctions are now kicking in and for getting through those tedious PET scans too!

    We have everything crossed for you to be home for Christmas.

    Clare, Herbe and Bessy x
